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Chinese Skullcap for At-Home Flocks (Made to Order)

Chinese Skullcap for At-Home Flocks (Made to Order)

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
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Chinese skullcap (Scutellariae Radix, or Huang Qin in Chinese) is known for its neuroprotective properties and can be administered as a natural additive in your flock's drinking water to fight viral diseases. We have observed beneficial effects in chickens and geese. Skullcap can even be used in songbird birdbaths or for people's indoor/outdoor pets, such as cats!

Tested with proven results at CWR for over two years!

Available in ready-to-use ground powder or root form. We recommend the powder, as we freshly grind the powder in-house. Root should only be purchased if you intend to grind the skullcap yourself at home. Grinder NOT included with purchase.

 Instructions for Use & Storage
Ground Powder: Add 1/4 cup ground skullcap per three gallons drinking water or an equivalent ratio. Mix well. Offer to flock.
Root: Skullcap must be in powder form for efficacy. Grind root down to water soluble powder (grinder not included with skullcap purchase). Add 1/4 cup ground skullcap per three gallons drinking water or an equivalent ratio. Mix well. Offer to flock.
Storage: Both powder and root should be stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Keep in sealed bag.


 Timeline for Use: Skullcap should be offered over an extended duration.
  • At CWR, we begin adding powder skullcap to our flock's drinking water on September 1st, and they remain on skullcap water until April 1st. In other words, it is used throughout flu season.
  • If daytime temperatures are consistently below 60° Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures are consistently below 40° Fahrenheit, we recommend administering skullcap to your flock.


Any questions about this product can be sent to We will do our best to offer our expert guidance, generated over two years of successfully combatting viral diseases for our flock.

*Health Advisory: Please take proper precautions when handling product. Avoid breathing in ground powder. Use of gloves and a dust mask is advised.*

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